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Trade Your Bitcoin Here for Tangible Returns

Strunk Media is proud to accept Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in exchange for our services. Get a new website, email campaign, direct mailers, SEM services and much more for your Bitcoin. If you’ve been waiting to cash in on your virtual currency investments then now is the best time to do so!

How Does it Work?

The purchasing process is the same. When payments are due, the bill will display a total charge in USD and/or Bitcoin (or other currency). We will also provide a Wallet ID and an invoice #. Simply login to your preferred currency trading platform and initiate a transaction for the correct amount. Make sure to send the payment to the Wallet ID provided with the invoice # as reference. Once payment is received, a statement will be created and emailed as proof of purchase.

Why Pay w/ Bitcoin?

There are many advantages of paying with Bitcoin.

Pier to pier transactions are faster and cost less.
Transactions are more secure and reliable.
Establishing trade options with Bitcoin increases its utility value.
Cash in on your investment. Finally yield a tangible return for your Bitcoin.
phone with mobile facebook ad

The Facebook ad platform offers unlimited flexibility and customization options for each individual ad or suite of ad campaigns. Easily target your ideal audience based on a combination of behaviors, demographics, and preferences to reach them on a personal level.

Plus, you can customize each ad template to suite your needs by opting for single images, a carousel, or video content to get your message across.

Our Facebook advertising experts are trained to get you real results from each ad campaign, no matter the strategy, duration, or target.

Run Your First Facebook Ad Campaign Today! > > >

Why Trust Strunk Media with Your Next Facebook Ad Campaign?

At Strunk Media, we work hard to consistently yield incredible returns for our clients through a strategic use of social data and advanced targeting methods.

Social media is an ever changing behemoth, and no two campaigns are the same, just like no two Facebook users are the same. That’s why we dedicated the time and effort to get to know your brand and your audience cover to cover, in order to provide the best Facebook advertising results possible.

Higher ROI

Because each ad is tailored specifically to your audience and their needs, they are designed to provide a higher ROI than traditional advertising.

Lower Cost-Per-Conversion

Hyper-targeted ads help improve engagement and lower the cost of each conversion.

Improved Long-Term Engagement

Not every ad converts right away, but custom Facebook ads increase brand awareness and promote extended engagement before converting.

Run Your First Facebook Ad Today!

Reach out to us today to schedule your free consultation. We will review your current strategies, initiatives, and processes and then make recommendations based on that evaluation. The information is yours to keep whether you decide to work with us or not. Fill out the form to the right or give us a call to get started.

CALL: 610-814-7773

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