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CRM Strategy

Capitalize On All Possible Sales Generation Opportunities

Your website is beautifully designed, functioning as intended and you’re starting to get leads. So, what now?

Custom CRM strategy solutions will help you sort through all of the leads you receive on your website and in-house to determine a complete and strategic course of action for each lead.

This ensures that all potential sales opportunities are accounted for and cared for properly, so you’ll never lose another lead again.

Why Is A CRM Strategy Important?

A CRM strategy defines the who, what, when, and where of lead nurturing and progression, which allows your team to make the best use of time and resources to nurture prospective customers.

79% of all marketing leads are never converted to sales.  (Source: Pardot)

30% of marketers say having disparate data sources is the main reason they cannot glean useful insights from customer.  (Source: Cyber Sphere Security)

CRM offers an average return of $5.60 for every $1 spent.  (Source: BaseCRM)

73% of companies have no process for reengaging and nurturing leads after sales.  (Source: BaseCRM)

Outlining key objectives at each stage of the CRM strategy and setup are crucial to maintaining consistent contact throughout your prospects buyer journey, meeting goals on both sides of the table.

Office employee shakes ahnds with a client, client retention

Builds Relationships

Implementing a solid CRM strategy utilizes the full value of your system and helps you build real relationships with your customers by maintaining consistent, relevant contact throughout their buyer journey and afterward.

Maintains Top of Mind Awareness

A CRM strategy helps you nail down specific times to re-establish contact with your customer or prospect, maintaining top of mind awareness throughout their entire buyer journey.

Automates Menial Tasks

Why waste employee time and resources on basic tasks that can be 100% automated within your CRM system? Putting a CRM strategy in place identifies and allocates these tasks.

Provides Customer Insights

Utilizing the power of your CRM system helps you keep track of how well your customer base responds to certain criteria and stimuli, providing valuable insights that can help you tailor your marketing to meet their needs.

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Why Choose Strunk Media for Your CRM Strategy?

At Strunk Media, we firmly believe in the power of information and being prepared. That’s why we encourage complete CRM strategy development and implementation for every business that accepts or wants to accept leads from any source.

But, not all CRM strategies and solutions are created equal, so we take the time to understand your lead generation process, business goals, and your primary demographic before working through your strategy.

Lead Nurturing Experts

One of the primary functions of a CRM strategy is to nurture your leads, and as lead nurturing experts we can help make sure that what you’re doing is working or help you pinpoint areas for improvement.

In-Depth Consultation

Prior to implementing a CRM strategy or CRM setup, we’ll sit down with you and discuss your lead generation and nurturing goals to get a better idea of how to approach your new CRM solutions.

Email Marketing Support

In addition to lead nurturing and CRM strategy, we can help you craft compelling emails to integrate into your CRM system to elicit real responses from your audience.

Dedicated Support Team

You’re in good hands with Strunk Media. We’ve got your back 24/7 throughout the CRM strategy development & implementation processes and beyond to help you get up and running.

Ready to Wrangle All Those Leads?

Reach out to us today to schedule your free consultation. We will review your current strategies, initiatives, and processes and then make recommendations based on that evaluation. The information is yours to keep whether you decide to work with us or not. Fill out the form to the right or give us a call to get started.

CALL: 610-814-7773

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