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Mobile Advertising

They’re Mobile. Why Aren’t You?

In this technological day and age, just about everyone is using a mobile device. Whether your ideal customer is on a smartphone or a tablet, they’re consuming mobile ads for brands just like yours.

80% of internet users own a smartphone. (Source: Smart Insights)

Mobile devices account for 53% of paid-search clicks. (Source: Wordstream)

By 2019, mobile advertising will represent 72% of all US digital ad spending. (Source: Marketing Land)

Mobile advertising is one of the fastest growing advertising venues and represents a large portion of the overall advertising budget for most smart businesses. Jump on the bandwagon and take advantage of the wide range of platforms and disciplines that mobile ads offer:

Mobile Web

Ad content is optimized and distributed to relevant websites to reach your ideal users in their own browsing element.

Multimedia Messaging

Mobile advertising isn’t restricted to websites and applications. We can push your message out to qualified phone numbers via text or SMS service.

Mobile Video & TV

Video is arguably the fastest-growing and most economical ad type and enables interactive capability. These ads can be implemented in any relevant platform, like YouTube, Spotify, etc. and offer the capability to purchase, share, or visit a link simply by tapping the ad itself.

Mobile Applications

In-app mobile advertising is becoming more and more common and is an extremely cost-effective option for all businesses. Ads are served via banner, overlay and interstitial modes in mobile applications.

What Does “Mobile Advertising” Even Mean?

With all the different mobile devices on the market these days, how can you trust responsive web design to appropriately convey your ad message without distortion? To be perfectly honest, you can’t. That’s where mobile advertising techniques and solutions come in.

Mobile advertising refers to ad content and design that is specifically configured to display beautifully on every possible mobile device out there, no matter who your audience is.

This advertising method utilizes technology and personal data collected from users, like GPS location, user preferences, and buying habits to serve personalized and concise ads to the right people, wherever they are. These hyper-targeted data points help make mobile advertising methods incredibly effective and perceived as less intrusive than traditional advertising means.

Woman wearing eyeglasses smiling while looking at her mobile phone. Young businesswoman using mobile phone for business communication.

Average smartphone conversion rates are up 64% compared to the average desktop conversion rates.

(Source: CMS Report)

Phone-based clicks cost 24% less than desktop and have a 40% higher CTR.

(Source: Wordstream)

Go Mobile with Your Advertising Today! > > >

Why Trust Strunk Media with Your Mobile Advertising?

As a small business owner, you’re probably not surprised that mobile users account for over half of your total website users every single day. But, are you digging into your slice of the mobile pie?

68% of companies have integrated mobile marketing into their overall marketing strategy. (Source: Salesforce)

Through tactical geo-fencing and hyper-targeting methods, we can directly target your ideal users on their smartphone or tablet in ways many can’t believe. We create effective and strategic ads to serve to your users in real-time based on their location, demographics, and other personalized targeting methods to ensure that your return on investment is not only qualified but worth the time and effort put into it.

Expertly Crafted Ads

Whether your mobile ads require killer copy, a stunning image, or a great video, we’ve got you covered. Our talented in-house creative team can turn simple into extraordinary.

Active Management

We’re your team behind the scenes, but we keep an active eye on everything that happens in your mobile ad campaign, from ad creation and modification to platform adjustments.

Real-Time Analytics

We know how your mobile ads are performing, and so do you! Our real-time analytics and monitoring will ensure that you know what’s working and what’s not right away.

Take Your Brand Mobile Today!

Reach out to us today to schedule your free consultation. We will review your current strategies, initiatives, and processes and then make recommendations based on that evaluation. The information is yours to keep whether you decide to work with us or not. Fill out the form to the right or give us a call to get started.

CALL: 610-814-7773

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