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How Can Small Businesses Benefit From a Dedicated Marketing Team?

three people sitting at a desk discussing marketing

Marketing isn’t just for the big name businesses. Sure they stand out the most with their massive national campaigns, flashy adverts, and annoyingly unforgettable jingles, but they don’t have a stranglehold on marketing. Small businesses should be playing the marketing game as well, in fact it’s even more important. Marketing is critical to developing a strategic plan for any organization large or small.

While being a “Mom and Pop” business is certainly something to be proud of, it doesn’t mean your business has to take on the market alone. A dedicated marketing team brings so many advantages that just aren’t possible in house. Development of new product ideas, increased sales, brand recognition, and cost cutting are just some of the things a dedicated marketing team can do for your business.

Couldn’t I Do This All Myself?

You’re a DIYer, we get it. You built your business from the ground up, so it’s no wonder you want to do all your marketing in house. Sure you can do it, it’s not impossible, but there’s a steep learning curve. To properly market your business you’ll need excellent skills in writing, computer programming, graphic design, and more. Unfortunately, some experience with MS Paint just won’t cut it, and even if you do have professional experience in these fields, do you have the time? Marketing is a whole business in itself, and you’re already hard at work running yours.

If you fragment your attention and start working on marketing or learning how to market, your business may suffer. Ultimately this will lead to lost profits, the opposite goal of any marketing campaign.

DIY could be an approach, but it’s certainly not the right one.

Could I Employ An Individual Marketing Manager?

You could absolutely hire an in house marketing manager, but should you? Probably not. While this might seem like a great choice at first glance, because of the nature of them being under your roof, it’s not.

Hiring a new employee means one thing: spending more money. Salary is expensive, and lumping in social security, healthcare, and PTO it gets even more expensive. According to, a marketing managers median income is $101,472, and even if you hire at the low end around $88,000 you will still be spending a ton of money. Money that might be better spent elsewhere.

If you have a bottomless budget, maybe you don’t care about the cost, but there are still other issues with this route. For one, you won’t get access to an entire team at your disposal. A marketing agency gives you access to a range of dedicated professionals: be they writers, coders, graphic designers, or strategists. When you hire an individual you are limited to their capabilities, and trust us, it’s hard to find someone who’s the best at everything.

A dedicated marketing agency will cost your business a fraction of what it costs to hire an individual, and it will give you all the benefits that come with a team.

What Does a Dedicated Team Do For Me?

A marketing team will give your business brand recognition. The most obvious function of a marketing team is the promotion of brands. Your business needs to be competitive, and that means you need to reach out to as many consumers as possible. Consumers have to know about your business, what it has to offer, and what makes it stand out as the best. You know your business should be the number one choice, but you have to convey that to consumers. A marketing team does just that. They sell what you’re selling to the people; whether that’s with a slogan, new symbol, or social media reputation. Branding is everything.

Take for example a brand like Coca-Cola. When you imagine the soda what do you think of? Red? Cursive writing? Polar bears? Santa? Coke has managed to make its brand synonymous with all of those things and more. Think of the power that comes with brand recognition just by looking at a certain color. That’s why branding matters so much. Consumers might not have done business with you or even tried your product, but if they know about it and have a positive perception of it they are far likelier to give it a shot.

Building a brand for your business isn’t limited to making a logo, it’s a 24/7 job that you should leave to the professionals. Consistency is everything.

A marketing team will drive sales up. When managed by a properly trained team, marketing brings increased sales. This is usually thanks to the high rates of customer traffic. Marketers drive traffic via email campaigns, business blogs, social media engagement, product launches, and further efforts offline. It’s all about generating interest in your business, and that means having interesting content.

Today every company has to be a media business. Your business needs to have a voice and a story to tell. Social media is a powerful marketing tool, but if you don’t know how to take advantage of it it’s worth nothing. A marketing team is specially trained in managing all these media channels and creating quality content for them. Everything from daily Facebook posts to custom video content, a high quality marketing team gives you content that will send your sales skyrocketing.

Your Business Will Benefit From a Dedicated Marketing Team

Marketing is an important part of growing and maintaining your business, and a dedicated team is the absolute best tool for marketing. Experts like the ones at Strunk Media group will help your business flourish. If you want to talk about boosted sales, better branding, and everything else we have to offer give us a call and schedule a consultation today.

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