- Aerospace (aircraft manufacturing)
- Agriculture
- Livestock
- Fishing
- Timber
- Tobacco
- Meat & Dairy
- Chemical (manufacturing)
- Pharmaceuticals (research)
- Computers
- Software
- Peripherals, repair, retail
- Construction
- Defense
- Arms (trade and manufacturing)
- Education
- Preschools and daycares
- Primary, Secondary, & Tertiary (higher)
- Vocational
- Special
- Alternative (home or cyber)
- Energy (production, distribution)
- Electrical Power
- Petroleum (oil)
- Coal
- Nuclear
- Renewable (sustainable, alternative)
- Entertainment
- Amusement Parks
- Animation
- Circus
- Event Management
- Film
- Gambling
- Game Manufacturing
- Media
- Music
- Sex (adult entertainment)
- Strip/Sex Clubs
- Pornography
- Shops, toys, paraphernalia
- Sports Management and Event Promotion
- Talent Agency
- Theatre Production
- Financial
- Banks and Credit Unions
- Insurance
- Accountancy
- Stock Brokerages
- Investment Funds
- Food
- Agriculture (crops, livestock, seafood, etc)
- Fruit Production (horticulture)
- Manufacturing (agrichemicals, farm machinery, seed, supplies, etc)
- Food Processing
- Grocery (markets and retail)
- Foodservice (catering, restaurants, cafeterias)
- Food Technology (research and development)
- Health Care
- Hospitality
- Information
- Manufacturing
- End Products
- Raw Materials
- Machining
- Mass Media
- Broadcasting
- Film
- Internet
- Music
- News
- Publishing
- Telecommunications
- Transport
- Water
- Drinking Water (for residential, commercial, and industrial sectors)
- Wastewater (sewage treatment)