It has been calculated that the average office going citizen receives 116 work emails and 88 personal emails every single day. This certainly is an overload of data for both the personal as well as the professional lives of individuals.
So how does any brand, be it a B2C or a B2B, cut through all of this content and reach their target audience? Even if marketing is correctly targeted and the content is engaging, how do you make sure that your content gets absorbed and creates a reaction which will ultimately lead to increased revenue for you? That extra sale?
The Proper Way to Disseminate Information
The one piece of this puzzle which you are missing is looking at how your consumers are thinking and making their decisions. As per a study involving brainwaves at Mindlab, whenever a task was virtually presented instead of through the regular text based format, individuals used around 20% less of their cognitive resources. This means that their minds were working lesser and they were able to perform more efficiently and retain more information.
One of the greatest testaments to this is the growth of Instagram. It has a community of more than 400 million users all over the world and has even overtaken Twitter. The success of the brand boils down to how they let brands share their personality using visual images or videos. But what about the modern marketer? What are their options?
Make a Scene
There is a popular saying: a picture is worth a thousand words. There are quite a few cost effective tools which can help marketers to tailor their strategies to include more visual content. Take a look at the Story Map. This is basically a digital platform which can enable marketers to easily embed images, interactive maps, videos, web pages, animations and call to actions, and this makes their content look a lot better and also makes it much easier to understand, share and navigate.
Captivate Them
There is no denying the impact of interactive maps and visual content as far as the campaign of the Mirror Group is concerned. Journalists from this group took the interactive Marathon map of London by Esri UK and used it for twenty separate news links regarding the marathon. This resulted in more than 350,000 visitors to the map which helped sharply increased dwell time.
Vaseline made use of this method recently by creating an interactive map which showed the areas of the world in which aid was being provided because of the donations that they had received. Through this use of imagery, Vaseline was able to provide a simple layout of aid that they were sending, and this helped increase the understanding as well as the emotive impact of their campaign significantly.
By showing instead of telling using the regular text based method, marketers will be able to inform their audience in a better way and this will enable them to self-serve and interact as well.
Creating easy to navigate and sharable content will ensure users keep visiting your pages for longer durations, and it also increases their understanding of this subject area which, in turn, makes it more likely that they are going to press the call to action button more often which is what the brand’s main goal is. Add to this the fact that you will be reducing their stress due to ‘data overload’ and it surely is a win-win for everyone involved.