Email Marketing Help: 7 Tips For A Better Subject Line

Email Marketing Help: 7 Tips For A Better Subject Line

In email marketing, strong subject lines are everything. If your subject line is lacking, people aren’t going to bother opening your email; they’ll delete it or keep scrolling. Plus, with so many messages being delivered to a user’s inbox each day, a catchy subject line is needed to draw attention to your email. Think of them like article headlines. If you saw your email as an article on a website or on social media, would you be compelled to open it? If not, you may need a little help in crafting better subject lines, which is okay!

Is Your Content Telling A Story? Here’s Why It Should

Human beings love to tell stories. From the spoken stories that were passed down to the each generation in the beginning of human civilization to the super-compelling narratives that lead us to binge-watch shows for hours on end, stories have been a cornerstone of human existence since, well, the beginning of human existence. That’s why stories are crucial in the marketing industry, particularly when it comes to content marketing.